LNMU PG College List Seat-wise– Friends! Lalit Narayan Mithila University (LNMU) All PG College Name Updated here Subjects-wise Seat details. If you wish to take Admission to LNMU’s PG College, then You can see here College List full details.
Here we have updated the Mithila University All Post Graduation Degree College Name & Available Seat Subject wise.
LNMU University
Lalit Narayan Mithila University (LNMU) is a UGC-Recognized University. It is a public university located in Kameshwar Nagar Darbhanga, Bihar. Mainly, University’s aim is to educate and uplift the backward and downtrodden as well as create a sense of security in them.
LNMU PG College
According to the Lalit Narayan Mithila University official notification, there is a total of 10 PG Colleges running under this university in four districts:- Samastipur, Darbhanga, Madhubani, and Begusarai. LNMU All PG College Names & Subjects details have been updated on this page.
LNMU PG Subject
As per the official Statement University has a total of 22 Subjects for PG. The Subject Wise College Name & Available Seat is given below.
नोट:- ललित नारायण मिथिला विश्वविद्यालय (एलएनएमयू) के अंतर्गत आने वाले सभी पी.जी. (अंतः स्नातक) कॉलेजों का नाम एवं विषय वार सीटों की संख्या को बताया गया है | पीजी में नामांकन फॉर्म भरने से पहले सभी छात्र यह देख सकते हैं कि कौन-से कॉलेज में कौन-सा विषय उपलब्ध है व उस कॉलेज में विषय वार सीटों की संख्या कितनी है |
मिथिला विश्वविद्यालय के ऑफिशियल डाटा के अनुसार दरभंगा जिला में पांच पीजी कॉलेज, समस्तीपुर जिला में तीन पीजी कॉलेज, एवं बेगूसराय व मधुबनी जिला में एक-एक पीजी कॉलेज हैं | |
Overview of LNMU PG College List
Name of the University | Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga |
Post Name | LNMU PG College List |
College Location | Samastipur
Darbhanga Begusarai Madhubani |
Total PG College | 10 (Ten) |
Total PG Subjects | 22 (Twenty Two) |
Offered Program | M.A., M.Sc. M.Com. |
Website | https://lnmu.ac.in/ |
LNMU All PG College
LNMU Campus, Darbhanga | 001 |
CM College, Darbhanga | 202 |
MLSM College, Darbhanga | 210 |
CM Science College, Darbhanga | 204 |
MR Mahila College, Darbhanga | 211 |
Samastipur College, Samastipur | 409 |
BRB College, Samastipur | 488 |
RB College, Dalsingsarai, Samastipur | 406 |
GD College, Begusarai | 103 |
RK College, Madhubani | 311 |
PG College Subject Wise
College Name & Total Seat | Subject Name & Seat |
1. Samastipur College, Samastipur (1080) |
2. BRB College, Samastipur (504) |
3. RB College, Dalsinghsarai, Samastipur (480) |
4. GD College, Begusarai (3480) |
5. RK College, Madhubani (1728) |
6. MLSM College, Darbhanga (72) |
7. MR Mahila College, Darbhanga (960) |
08. CM College, Darbhanga (1500) |
9. CM Science College, Darbhanga (360) |
10. LNMU PG Department, Darbhanga (2400) |
Important Links
LNMU PG Admission 2022-24 | Visit Here |
Website | Visit Here |
FAQ:-LNMU PG College
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